
Prehnite is an inosilicate of calcium and aluminium with the formula: Ca2Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)2. Limited Fe3+ substitutes for aluminium in the structure. Prehnite crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system, and most often forms as stalactitic or botryoidal aggregates, with only just the crests of small crystals showing any faces, which are almost always curved or composite. Very rarely will it form distinct, well-individualized crystals showing a square-like cross-section, including those found at the Jeffrey Mine in Asbestos, Quebec, Canada. Prehnite is brittle with an uneven fracture and a vitreous to pearly luster. Its hardness is 6-6.5, its specific gravity is 2.80-2.90 and its color varies from light green to yellow, but also colorless, blue, pink or white. In April 2000, rare orange prehnite was discovered in the Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa. Prehnite is mostly translucent, and rarely transparent.

Prehnite was named after its discoverer; Colonel Hendrik von Prehn and is an attractive collection mineral that is occassionally used for ornamental stone purposes. Its color is usually a pleasant green and is at times quite unique to prehnite. Typical prehnite forms rather thick crusts with a rough or crystaline texture. Epimorphs (crystal growth over the surface of another mineral) over laumontite crystals are interesting and attractive. Usually the laumontite has dissolved away leaving the hollow crust of prehnite behind.

Prehnite is both a heart chakra and solar plexus chakra stone.  The solar plexus or power chakra is the seat of the will, and this green stone's action links your heart with your will, and brings you peace and joy, and will help to relieve worry.

Green Prehnite is one of the best healing crystals for you to utilize to help you to do the things that you want to achieve, from a heart based perspective.  It will help you to learn to be psychic, and it is very useful used in meditation. It is an excellent stone to enhance psychic gifts, and move you to a higher level.

One of its strongest assets is to put you in touch with beings in spirit, up to the level of the Archangels and other celestial beings.  Green Prehnite is specifically known to aid you when connecting with angels and with Archangel Raphael, but it will also help you to contact extra-terrestrial beings and beings in other dimensions.

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